Halloween party ideas 2015

Organization: Bureau for Institutional Reform and Democracy
Country: Mozambique, Norway, United Republic of Tanzania
Closing date: 14 Jul 2017
Location: Oslo, Tanzania and Mozambique
Duration: from October 2017 through March 2018
 The Bureau for Institutional Reform and Democracy – BiRD is currently accepting applications for a Team Leader as part of a short-term mission in Oslo, Tanzania and Mozambique entitled “Evaluation of Human Rights and business in Norwegian Development Cooperation”, funded by the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad).
The purpose of the evaluation is to document to what degree the UN Guiding Principles on business and human rights (UNGP) are implemented in Norwegian development cooperation. Implementation of the UNGPs involves both process and outcomes, whether there are adequate processes in place at state agencies and business actors, as well as to what extent human rights are promoted, protected and respected on the ground.
Another purpose is to produce and disseminate knowledge and recommendations on effective approaches to how Norwegian development aid involving business can promote, protect and respect human rights.
Evaluation Objectives
  • Assess and compare the quality of HRDD across development cooperation, both in the assessment of state agencies, and in the assessment of projects in case countries. The evaluation team shall develop a HRDD quality assessment tool, in order to be able to assess and compare across the various agencies and projects. (See methods section about the tool)
  • Assess to what degree current policies, strategies, steering documents, and implementing procedures within identified state agencies contributes to protect, respect and remedy human rights.
  • Map how Norwegian development cooperation is involved with business in the two designated case countries, Tanzania and Mozambique.
  • Assess to what degree human rights are protected, respected and remedied in a selection of business related projects in two case countries.
  • Compare findings from how UNGP is implemented in Norwegian development cooperation with selected relevant institutions and actors.
  • Provide recommendations on how to improve implementation of the UNGP in Norwegian development cooperation.
Team leader profile:
  • Experience with leading large multi-disciplinary evaluation teams or comparative relevant management experience.
  • Extensive knowledge of evaluation principles and methods, including OECD DAC evaluation standards.
Additional competencies:
  • Documented expertise and experience related to human rights in general, and business and human rights in particular;
  • Documented expertise and experience from relevant evaluation and/or social science methods (Including methods for quality assessments);
  • Documented expertise and experience related to the role of private sector in development;
  • Documented expertise and experience of policies and practices of Norwegian aid management and Norway’s development cooperation;
  • Academic qualifications and/or work experience about Tanzania and Mozambique;
  • Communication skills of relevance to the dissemination of the evaluation;
  • Relevant academic publications and/or evaluations added value;
  • Knowledge of Norwegian language added value;
The assignment will be carried out from October 2017 through March 2018, within an estimated timeframe of up to 175 Work Days.
How to apply:
All experts must be independent and free from conflicts of interest in the responsibilities they take on.
Applications and updated CVs are accepted on a rolling basis and should be submitted before 15 July 2017 to: jobs@birdmunich.de
Please note that only excellent experts meeting most or all of the above criteria and having an excellent and verifiable track record will be considered.

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