Halloween party ideas 2015

 Consultancy services for detailed Engineering Design, Economic Evaluation, Preliminary Environmental and Social Impact Assessment and Preparation of Tender Documents for rehabilitation of Igawa – Uyole – Songwe Road (190km) and Update of Detailed Engineering Design for Construction of Uyole – Songwe by Pass Road (48.9Km)
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Periodic Maintenance; Routine and Recurrent Maintenance; Spot Improvement; Bridges Major Repair and Bridges Preventive Maintenance along Regional and Trunk Roads in Rukwa Region
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Maintenance of trunk and regional roads in Geita region
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Consultancy Services for Construction Supervision for Upgrading of Mpanda-Uvinza-Kanyani Road (252 km) to Bitumen Standard
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5 Magunga-Uvinza Section (65.50 km)

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